Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blog #6 Action & Expression (Summative)

Students find so much joy and excitement in the Finch Robots so it is important to integrate them into teaching. It is a great learning tool for students. Since students know they are using a robot to create something it makes what they are learning more memorable. In every grade the robots can be integrated too, because the program used online is simple enough for kindergartners, but can be complex enough for sixth graders to use as well. There are many different ways Finch Robots can be integrated. I think it would be fun to do a math activity where students have to show their knowledge of transformations, like reflection or rotation through the Finch Robot. Students could also use the Finch Robots to tell a story they made up. To completely integrate them they should be used a few times a month, or at least once a month.

I hope to learn more about Finch Robots and different ways for them to be integrated into my class. A goal I have is to learn more about them and understand them better. If I am able to understand them it will be very beneficial to my students. If students have questions I want to be able to answer them. Learning about the Finch Robots will really help my future students become empowered learners. They will develop excitement, curiosity, and their learning can be self-directed if they want to learn more about coding and robots. Students will develop a natural drive to learn and find information that excites them. I think all students can become empowered learners. Finch Robots will definitely help some students become empowered learners. 


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