Thursday, February 8, 2018

Blog #5 UDL Action & Expression (Formative)

Formative assessments can be effectively integrated in the class many different ways. I first need to remember formative assessments are part of students learning. Formative assessments will assess students learning along the way of teaching certain things. To integrate this I can always formatively assess what we are learning in different units. I think it is a good idea for students to use online tools to create what they've learned. They are applying what they know and at the same time learning and becoming familiar with technology tools. I can also remember that the assessments can be simple and easy for both students to understand and for teachers to see where the students are.

I think if you effectively integrate formative assessments in your class it will really help students. It can help students better understand and retain information. Through formative assessments I can see where I as a teacher need to improve and re-teach. I can also see where students are struggling and where they need more teaching. My goals for this topic are to always use it to help both me and my future students. 

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