Friday, March 2, 2018

Blog # 8 UDL Engagement

I think WebQuests are important because they help students become and stay motivated. WebQuests are very engaging and exciting for students. If students are engaged they will learn and retain more information. It is a great way to get students to want to learn. Students can learn a lot of information in a short period of time doing WebQuests. Webquests are a great way for students to learn content and technology skills at the same time. Many different aspects of doing WebQuests will benefit students.

In regards to this topic I hope to become good at writing WebQuests. I hope to write them so they are useful, engaging, and effectively fit content and standards. I want my students to get the most out of their education and learning experiences, so it is important they are able to learn a lot from this type of activity. WebQuests will help students become confident in different skills they have and subject areas. They will become empowered learners by becoming proficient in technology and specific areas of content.


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