Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blog #3 Digital Citizenship

Why is it important to teach digital citizenship?
I think it is important to teach digital citizenship to students to keep them safe on the internet. If we teach students the right steps to making good choices on the internet it will lead to them being respectful of themselves and others while on their devices. Students will also be able to make safe and appropriate choices. It is also important to teach students about online bullying and how to prevent it and report it. If we teach digital citizenship students will be able to know the impact they have on the internet and what their own digital footprint is.

How might you teach digital citizenship in an elementary classroom?
There are several ways to teach digital citizenship in an elementary classroom. One way would be to have a poster of the seven rules hanging in the classroom. Every time we are going to be doing an activity online point out the poster and remind all students to follow those rules. I also think to teach this I could find some sort of video for elementary aged students about digital citizenship. A video would be useful to show how people are impacted by others digital footprints and online bullying. Another way to teach digital citizenship would be as a teacher model the rules of digital citizenship on a regular basis.



Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog #2 Standards and PLNs

Twitter: @misssamisclass
Symbaloo: Link

1. The UEN page has and right when you log in, so you can look up words right when you log on if needed.
2. It has a canvas link, that would be useful if you are going to use canvas in your class.
3. You can save documents or bookmarks to your page. That would be helpful to have all of your school websites linked and in one place. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blog #1: Equity and UDL

From the image shared in class I learned not all students are equal when they first start school. The reality is some students know way too much starting kindergarten, some students are right where they should be, and some students know almost nothing at all. Equity is when all of the students starting school are at the same level. Equity is ideal and is the where students hopefully are when they start school.
Universal design for learning is universal curriculum that can be used and understood by everyone. UDL is an approach to learning that minimizes barriers and helps all students learn. Research says that everyone learns differently and learning is as unique as your finger print. UDL can easily be integrated into my teaching. The first thing I can do is always remember the goal of what I want my students to learn by the end of the lessons. I can also use the three ways mentioned in the video. The first way is to offer information in multiple ways. The second way is to give students plenty of options to express what they know. The last way mentioned is to provide means that will motivate and challenge all learners. When I use UDL in my future class my students will be able to learn in a way that will help them get the most out of what is being taught. With this topic I hope to use the three ways in every lesson I possibly can. UDL really helps shape my vision for empowered learning for my future students. If my students are able to learn at their best rate, and get the most out of learning they will become stronger, and more confident in their skills and abilities. Through UDL my students can become empowered learners.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Initial Blog Post (EDEL 3250)

My names Samantha Sutherland, but I prefer to go by Sami. I love to do anything outdoors like hiking or camping. I also really enjoy playing tennis. I like to read and love Harry Potter. I am usually hanging out with my family or friends in my free time. 
In this class I hope to learn useful ways to implement technology in my future class. I also hope to learn how I can teach students that technology is an important part of the world we live in, and the it will be a life long skill. I want to leave this class with an A. So my goal will be to get my assignments done on time and correctly so I can achieve my goal of getting an A.