Monday, March 27, 2017

EDpuzzle: 5th Grade Health

I made an EDpuzzle for 5th graders to learn about saying no to drugs. I created the video with some questions throughout EDpuzzle that will quiz them on content from the video. I can use this in my classroom to show informational videos, that allow the students to be assessed throughout the video. Students could use this tool to create their own EDpuzzle. If the students have a presentation they could create an EDpuzzle to go with it. They could have their peers watch the video, and take the assessments. Some pros to this tool, is that it is easy to use and understand, it is free, and there are a lot of resources within EDpuzzle to use to create the videos.

UEN standard: fifth grade health: standard 2, students will adopt health promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse.
EdTech standard: five: Students will use technology tools (e.g., multimedia, authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
ISTE standard: Global Collaborator: Students will strive to broaden their perspective, understand others, and work effectively in teams using digital tools. 

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